the Aerial Advantage.

Stunning visuals captured from the best vantage point.

Take Your Marketing
to New Heights

This isn’t just about getting a bird’s eye view; it’s about capturing breathtaking perspectives that make properties stand out. 

the Benefits

Stand Out from the Crowd

In a sea of standard property photos, aerial images and videos are a breath of fresh air. They offer a unique perspective that can make your property stand out in listings, attracting more potential buyers and making a memorable impression.

Showcase the Entire Property

Aerial media allows you to capture the full scope of a property and its surroundings. Highlight the layout of a large estate, the beauty of a home’s location, or the scale of a commercial property. It’s about providing a complete picture.

High-Tech Appeal

Using drone technology for property showcasing signals that you’re on the cutting edge. It adds a high-tech appeal to your listings, showing potential buyers or tenants that you’re a professional who uses the latest tools and techniques.

Two Types of Aerial Media

Although specialized for Real Estate, the applications are almost endless.

Aerial Photography

Vivid & Crisp Aerial Images in High Resolution

Typically Delivers 7-ish Photos per Listing Bundle, or More for Larger Properties

Aerial Videography

Stand-Alone or Add-On Options

Offered in both stand-alone Aerial Videos or added-on to a cinematic walkthrough.

The Proper Way to Plan a Flight

Booking & Planning

Every successful flight begins on the ground. Before we take to the skies, we ensure that all flights are legal and safe. We check the NAV Canada website to confirm that we're not flying in restricted airspace or too close to an airport. We also take into account local weather conditions, especially on Vancouver Island. Once everything checks out, we schedule the flight at a time that works best for you. Remember, good planning leads to great results.

the Flight

This is where the magic happens. Our typical flight lasts around 10 to 15 minutes, capturing both video and photo. Depending on the services you've chosen, we may land the drone to switch filters for optimal image quality. But don't worry, this is all part of the process. We're committed to capturing the best possible aerial media for your needs.

Safety & Compliance

We take safety seriously. With several years of experience under our belt, we understand the ins and outs of our drone and its safety capabilities. We conduct a pre-flight safety check and follow all local and national drone regulations. Plus, we're not just licensed - we're educated. We believe in the power of knowledge, and we bring that to every flight. And to top it all off, we carry $1 million in commercial liability insurance specific for the remotely piloted aircraft (drone) --- Because when it comes to safety, we don't cut corners.

A Peek at the Portfolio

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Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to the questions we receive the most about our services.
If we missed anything, please do not hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to help

An 3D Virtual Tour is an immersive, interactive experience that allows potential buyers to explore a property in detail from the comfort of their own home.

The time it takes to create an 3D Virtual Tour can vary depending on the size and complexity of the property, but they can range from 30 minutes to the smallest condo to an upwards of 3 hours for a larger estate.  We typically deliver the final tour within 24-48 hours after the scan.

Absolutely! We provide you with a link to your Virtual Tour that you can share anywhere, including on social media platforms.

No,  3D Virtual Tours can be viewed on any device with an internet connection and do not require any special software.

With our tours, you can feel confident about your choice because typical our technology measurements are  0.5% or better and the corresponding uncertainty in square footage is 1% or better.  This is drastically better than some people simply using their iPhone with an app. 

Absolutely not.  We can’t stress this enough; the camera is a 360 camera meaning we need to run out of the way for every shot.   This is incredibly difficult with people in the home.  Secondly, regardless if the “Virtual Tour Hot Spots” are all included or visible, every room, closet, nook, and cranny of the house MUST be accessible in order to create an accurate virtual tour.  No exceptions can be made, and any major rooms missed may result in an inaccurate or rejected project file.  Please ensure all doors are unlocked, and all rooms are easily accessible.  Our equipment is different than other operators, and with the added benefits included there are also limitations even though we consider them small “side-effects” of the pursuit of perfection. 

Ready To Book?

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